soap loaf over a soap cutter

How Crooked Chimney Farm Soap is Made

How Crooked Chimney Farm Soap is Made


In the bustling world of mass-produced products, there's something inherently charming and satisfying about using handcrafted goods. Crooked Chimney Farm takes pride in creating unique and high-quality soaps using traditional methods. In this blog post, we'll take a captivating journey through the intricate process of crafting Crooked Chimney Farm soap, from the carefully chosen ingredients to the final cutting and curing.



At the heart of every exceptional soap lies a combination of carefully selected ingredients. Crooked Chimney Farm Soap prioritizes natural and nourishing elements that benefit both the skin and the environment. A blend of high-quality oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, and shea butter forms the base of the soap, ensuring a rich and luxurious lather that cleanses without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Additional botanical elements like essential oils and herbs are incorporated to enhance the soap's unique qualities. Of course the star ingredient is goat milk from our very own happy (and somewhat spoiled) herd of Lamancha and Alpine goats. 



The cold process soap-making journey begins with the careful measurement and mixing of oils with goat milk and lye, a process known as saponification. This chemical reaction transforms these ingredients into soap, creating a perfect balance between cleansing power and skin-loving properties.


Once the soap mixture reaches the desired consistency, it's time to infuse it with fragrances and additional natural elements. Essential oils, fragrance oils, clays and botanicals are added to evoke delightful scents, colors, and textures that connect users to the beauty of nature. 



This stage is where our creativity truly shines. The soap “batter” is  hand-poured into carefully chosen molds that shape the soap into loaves.  The loaf is designed using intricate swirls, layers, and even embedding botanicals within the soap create a little work of art in every bar. 


Cutting and Curing 

After pouring and molding, the soap is left to cure, a critical step in ensuring the soap's longevity and quality. During the curing process, excess water evaporates, resulting in a harder and longer-lasting bar of soap. The soap is carefully cut into individual bars, each one a unique piece of art. These bars are then allowed to continue curing for several weeks, until they have reached their optimal state for use.


Crooked Chimney Farm soap is more than just a cleansing product; it's a testament to the dedication and artistry that goes into crafting handmade goods. From the thoughtful selection of natural ingredients to the meticulous process of creating designs and allowing the soap to cure, every step is a labor of passion. So, the next time you reach for a bar of Crooked Chimney Farm soap, remember the journey that went into creating this small but meaningful luxury.